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tv   News 4 Today at 5  NBC  September 4, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> good to have you back. >> i did. >> it was a vacation for you. >> aaron, aaron. >> she's over there like, i know, i see it. veronica johnson is in this morning for tom kierein. >> i'm learning just how much of a troublemaker you really are, aaron. >> trouble picker. >> you like stirring the pot. >> stirring the pot, that's right. >> i know. i know. >> how about the weather? >> well, dropping the kids off this morning, we're not going to have any downpours this morning. we're just going to have some showers around. it is going to be a little wet, a little gray, too. humid and sticky for kids heading back. 77 degrees. we've got a light wind right now but high humidity as we've been talking about all morning long. temperatures throughout the area right now, falls church and around fairfax city, 72 degrees, the current temperature. over in areas around camp spring, 72. also, 75 right now in college park, 77 in d.c. as i said, we've got showers around the area. you can see all the colors there showing up on storm team4 radar. and zoom in right now mount airy
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and annapolis, that's the line that's heading out of our area. what's left just a few of these light showers here around fairfax, making their way up through northern areas of fairfax county right now. forecast for the morning commute, 8:00 a.m. this morning. mostly cloudy. some showers possible. again that heavier stuff already moving out. 72 to 77 degrees. the temperature at 8:00 a.m. 79 to 82 by noontime swom heavier downpours already possible. some isolated thunder by 5:00 p.m. as we top out at 85 degrees today. so today kind of like yesterday really. let's see if the roads were like yesterday. danella? oh, youn? >> thanks. to po terrible for rain will add to the headaches you're likely to encounter on the road today. terrible traffic tuesday for today now that everyone is back to school, back to work. expect 2.8 million people to head back to work with 2 million of them driving. 700,000 people who pack metro
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and a million more kids are headed back to school. also, more people run out of gas sitting in traffic today than any other day of the year. make sure your tank is full. now let's find out how that traffic is moving with danella sealock with your first4 traffic alert. here's a problem. a couple of disabled vehicles possibly blocking your lanes here. let's star i-95 southbound, traveling near quantico. have a disabled vehicle there. also seeing a disabled this time 395 southbound near duke street, disabled, possibly slowing you down there. live look at 395 glebe. northbound travel lanes, no issues here as you make your way to the 14th street bridge. nice and clear. your travel speed, it's not bad here at 57 miles per hour. 12 minutes to get from the beltway to the 14th street bridge. now, the rails are open and so far not seeing any reported delays along the metro, marc, or the vre. aaron and eun, back over to you. back to school for hundreds of thousands of students in northern virginia. that includes the 11th largest
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school district in the country. fairfax county. set to welcome back 180,000 students today. fairfax county police will be out in full force making sure drivers follow the school bus laws. drivers should come to a complete stop in both directions when a school bus is loading or unloading with flashing lights. police say the ten feet surrounding the school bus is the most dangerous area for students to get hit by cars. it's also the first day of school for more than 22,000 students in arlington kint in year parents in arlington are upset about the school district's new busing policy. starting today hundreds of students who used to take the bus will now have to walk to school. tracee wilkins is live in wakefield high school with more on the policy and the petition against it. tracee, good morning. >> reporter: officials are saying that more than 1,000 students will be hitting the roads and sidewalks this year, walking instead of riding buses because of a change in the transportation policy here for the school system. a lot of parents are not happy about that. the changes have upset these parents to the point that 200
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have appealed at least or more than 200 have actually appealed after finding out their kids would have to walk to school after being able to ride the bus in previous years. students living within a mile of their elementary school or mile and a half of their secondary school are supposed to walk, according to arlington's transportation policies. many of those kids are going to nearby bus stops instead. this year, students have been or who have been approved for the bus will have vouchers. those without vouchers will be allowed on the bus but parents will be contacted by school officials to find out why their child asked to board. in addition to appeal, some parents have actually started a facebook page in hopes of pressuring school officials. arlington is growing and expecting 1,000 additional students this year but they have not purchased new buses in an effort to redistrict that money into classrooms. arlington is not alone. we've seen plenty of school m ises here in this area to do the same thing to put more money into the classrooms instead of transportation and enforcing the transportation policies.
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arlington county is going to have more officers on the road but also have more folks in the crossing guards on hand to help assist these students who are walking today. we are also expecting to see some parents protest this. some parents are going to be driving their kids to school with signs in their vehicles complaining about the new policies. in arlington, i'm tracee wilkins, news4. today marks the first day on the job for prince george's new interim super in2e7bd dent. he is a 32 year veteran in the education field. he comes to prince george's county from d.c. public schools. the formerintendent left to obama the philadelphia's school chief. five minutes after the hour, the democratic national convention officially begins today in charlotte. delegates will vote on the party's platform that calls for higher tax owns the wealthy and legalizing same-sex marriage. several local politicians will speak tonight in charlotte. they include maryland governor martin o'malley, maryland
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congressman steny hoyer and virginia senate candidate and former governor tim kaine. first lady michelle obama is also taking the stage tonight. president obama wraps up his road to charlotte tour today in virginia. he will speak at norfolk state university. the president was in the common wealth last week. he appeared in charlottesville as part of a tour of college towns in battleground states. recent polls show him slightly ahead of mitt romney in virginia. romney though narrow that margin. some of the speakers at the dr dnc may offer new insight as to how romney does business. the employees from bain capital will talk about how the private equity world works and more specifically how bain capital was run while romney was ceo. >> if you are willing to work with me. >> if you're willing to work everybody harder in this election. then i promise, i promise you, i promise you change will come. >> republicans are launching this web ad to hammer home their
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point this country is worse off now than it was when president obama took office. republican national committee is also launching a website called obama isn't working. it features articles and statistics the committee says prove that we're no better off than four years ago. 5:07. a new milestone for tiger woods that will have the golf star laughing all of the way to the bank. try and move i don't his vegas scandal. what prince harry was saying as he stepped back into the spotlight. step away from your computer while taking a break from your ergs mail could lem you live longer. soggy start to a morning outside to slow down your trek back to work and school.
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"and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today. . tiger woods is now golf's first $100 million man. the former number one golfer in the world eclipsed the mark with a third place finish at this weekend's deutsche bank championship. he won nearly $550,000, pushing him to a career total of $1,350,000. of course that number does not include the many millions he has collected in endorsements. >> hard to wrap your head around
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all that. >> yeah. i never will. not nerve my life, i'm sure. it's just about 5:11. time for weather and traffic on the ones. >> veronica johnson is in for tom kierein. >> yeah, you can at least wish, keep wishing there, aaron. i'm wishing for a dry day which looks as though we're going have to wait until the end of the week to get that. we have more wet weather this morning. high humidity. in fact, today is bog to be almost a carbon copy of yesterday. 77 degrees is where we are right now. reagan national airport. around area right now, temperatures, bowie, maryland, coming in currently at 72 degrees. good morning to you folks over in great falls and herndon, 72. 7 3 down in huntingtown, maryland, at the bus stop. it's going to be a little wet. take along the umbrella. 70 to 76. going up to a high of 85 degrees. more of your seven-day forecast coming up. but right now, traffic. danella? >> thanks. still watching the roads for you. and still seeing a report of a
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disabled vehicle southbound 395 near duke street. doesn't look like it's in the road there. not seeing any delays use make your way towards the area where the disabled is reported. let's head over to 50. nice and clear in maryland. in fact, from annapolis bridge -- bay bridge to the beltway, nice and clear. even 50 inside the beltway, no issues to report. a live look at 202. nice and clear as you make your way to new york avenue. eun and aaron, back over to you. >> 5:12 is your time. it is dominating the headlines even before its release. now is your chance to weigh in on a controversial new book about the death of osama bin laden. also ahead, it costs you more but is it really worth the price. what new r
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welcome back.
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hollywood is mourning the loss of abouter michael clarke duncan. he's best known for his role in "the green mile." duncan died yesterday morning in los angeles. he had been in the hospital since suffering a heart attack in july. he was also in "armageddon" and "talladega nights." michael clarke duncan was 54 years old. today a highly anticipated and controversial account of the raid that killed osama bin laden hit store shelves. "no easy day" is a firsthand account of a former navy s.e.a.l. it dominated the headlines was it contradicts the original account of the raid put out by the pentagon. the new e-book claims bad blood between him and his fellow navy s.e.a.l. team six members encouraged him to write the memoir. a developing story now out of southern california. firefighters are trying to put out a wildfire at angeles
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national forest northeast of los angeles. about 300 firefighters are battling the so-called williams fire on the ground while half a dozen helicopters are dropping water from above. the fire burned more than 4,000 acres in the mountains. it is only 5% contained. the fire broke out sunday near a camp ground forcing thousands of people to evacuate during the busy labor day weekend frkts 17 after the hour. nearly 3,000 people are waking up in shelters along the gulf coast and crews are working to get the lights back on for more than 100,000 people in three states. hurricane isaac now named for eight deaths. authorities found a 90-year-old man dead in his home near new orleans. that home didn't have power. he may have died from heat. president obama toured the devastation near new orleans. he promised federal aid for survivors. the damage from isaac could total more than $2 billion. a mississippi community keeping a close eye on a troubled dam holding back flood waters from isaac.
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officials are pumping water from a swollen lake. they fear water may breach the earthened dam. the governor there bryant says it's time to replace that dam. >> we've got to save this dam, keep it from busting. what we've got got to do redo this dam. it broke in 1984. it broke in 1945. we've got to replace this dam and get it where we won't be out here again next year or the year after. >> as a precaution the officials evacuated about 50,000 people in neighborhoods downstream from that dam. officials plan to release more water to drop it five feet. isaac turned up a mysterious ship along ft. morgan beach in alabama. the vessel is about 137 feet long. it's made from iron and massive slabs of wood. experts are trying to identify exactly where it came from. some people think it's from the civil war era. others think it's a schooner used for smuggling liquor during prohibition.
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prince harry made his first public appearance since nude photos of him in sin city were leaked. he appeared in london at an award ceremony honoring sick children. the prince appeared at ease. while the scandal never came up the prince alluded to it. >> all of you are quite frankly too remarkable for me eloquently to describe with mere words. i'll give it ago. >> did you catch that? all right. two weeks ago the website -- a website published nude photos of prince harry and a woman in las vegas. he was reportedly playing strip pool in his hotel room. children who take a steroid for asthma may grow up to be slightly shorter than their peers. researchers from the university of washington school of medicine found kids who take the drug twice a day ended up being about an inch shorter than other adults. researchers say doctors should monitor the growth of their
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young patients but they also point out the drug's benefits outweigh the risks for children with asthma. yes, eating your veggies is important but paying more to buy organic foods may not be worth it after all. buying organic can cost twice as much than conventional. new research published yesterday found no significant difference between the two when it comes to nutrition and safety. organic foods did have less pesticide residue but also shared a similar risk for bacterial contamination caused by salmonella or e. coli. this may convince you to check yoe-mail less frequently. researchers at the university of california studied the heart rates of 13 men and women during their normal daily office routine. the found the workers checked e-mail 37 times an hour and remained at a state of high alert a day when they took it away for five days, heart rates dropped and workers walked around more in order to communicate. check that out. >> makes good sense.
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wear both of think cellphones. i'm constantly checking e-mails. this weekend i completely disconnected for a few days. you feel more relaxed. less tense and like you're trying to be ready for something all the time. >> if you tell your boss you're going to close your e-mail, days at a time? >> got to do what you got to do. less check in with storm team4 meteorologist veronica johnson now keeping an eye on showers moving through the area. >> that's right. the showers though generally light. now with social media of course, we're so much more connected. but that's the way i get to tell you sometimes about the weather. we're at 75 degrees currently. reagan national airport. your wind is calm. i'll step out of the way here to a moment to show you other temperatures. rockville, maryland, right now at 71 degrees. shortly after 5:00, fredericksburg coming in at 72 degrees. we've got this tropical air that's over not just our area but philadelphia, pennsylvania, new york city where the heavy rain that was over us just a
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couple hours ago, it's up here now. so a bit of an ugly commute for some folks who maybe have to travel up there this morning. down, south, too, more showers and storms. tighter inspection on the radar. columbia, maryland, still wet. that rain going into baltimore and areas up around i-83. seeing the showers dwindle and dry up just off to the south and west. throughout the day today, getting warm scattered showers and embedded heavier rains around the area. the moisture that's in the air right now, it's got big potential. it could rain somewhere around one to two inches per hour. so when we get those downpours around the area we could see some isolated flooding. 3:00 today, some storms possible, too, as we get into the evening hours here on tuesday and even for 8:00, 9:00, still a little wet with tomorrow morning, yeah, you guessed it, more of the showers around the area. front is coming in for wednesday. even by noontime, tomorrow we could see some heavier rain and
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some thunderstorms around the area. for the weekend, theed of the week, in fact, saturday and sunday, we're keeping our eye on this storm. it's leslie. a category 2 hurricane approaching bermuda could lead to some rough surf and some rip currents along the beachers for the weekend. your forecast, next three days looking wet. right now, friday, one dry day in this spell here coming up. danella? >> right now, veronica, still checking on the situation along beach drive in northwest. the downed tree in that area. here's an update for you. authorities not sure right now how long it's going take to get that tree out of the roadway. beach drive is closed between joyce road and blagden avenue. that's a shortcut for a lot of people, so expect more delays on roads like 16th street because beach drive is closed right now. let's head over to sunset hills. really actual i, excuse me, the dulles toll road. no issues to report as you make your way east or west.
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volume very light. travel speed eastbound from hunter mill road to the beltway, 58 miles per hour. that drive taking six minutes. connecting to the beltway, no issues. live look at the interchange. again, traveling on the inner loop and outer loop in this area still very clear. from the dulles toll road to the interchange, not bad at all. that drive in total will take you 13 minutes. i'm back in ten. yun, over to you. this thursday, drivers in northern virginia will be able to share their thoughts on a proposed rate hike along the dulles toll road. it calls to raise toerls over the next three years from $2.25 to $4.50. the airport authority says the rate increases will pay for metro silver line. this thursday's hear willing be held at stone bridge high school in ashburn. two other meetings will be held next week. all the comments will be put into a report and given to the board in november. a weekend full of college football ended with a thriller for virginia tech. the hokies slipped by george
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tech last night with a 20-17 overtime win. the first game of the year to go to extra time. virginia tech hit a 41-yard field goal with just six seconds left in the game to tie it up. it was also the first overtime game ever to be played at virginia tech's lane stadium. and a 2-2. swing and a miss, and the game is over. >> and this is already proving to be an historic season for the nationals. their win over the cubs guaranteed a winning record for the first time since the team moved to washington. 2-1 victory also meant the nats once again have the best record in baseball. unfortunately the braves also won yesterday so they could not extend first first place league in the national league east but they still lead atlanta 6 1/2 games. perhaps support from an olympic gold medalist. katie ledecky threw the first pitch. she received a huge ovation as she pitched to the nat's chad
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tracy. >> this is a whirlwind still and just getting back in school and swimming and celebrating with everybody. it's been a lot of fun. it's good to be back. i'm having a blast. >> ledecky won the gold medal last month in london. just 15, having the time of her life. >> she's on tour now. she's just all over the place showing off that gold medal. coming up, democrats getting ready to sell their message to voters a their convention kicks off today with big names on stage. plus, a busy stretch of roadway that will be off limits for months. and the remnants of isaac passing through our region this morning. the impact the rain will have on your morning commute, next with
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looking at the stories making headlines at 5:29. the stage is set. several big name democrats are preparing to step into the spotlight for the start of their party's convention. firefighters asking for more help in california as a massive wildfire continues to burn out of control. and expect more traffic on the roads as families wrap up the summer vacations in tens of thousands of children in virginia head back to school. end of summer, makes me a little
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sad. much more on those stories throughout the morning. i'm eun yang. >> i'm aaron gilchrist. welcome back to "news4 today" on this tuesday, september 4th. this unfortunately could be the scene again for some d.c. residents. take a look. more rain could mean foreflooding in the bloomingdale area where sunday night rhode island avenue literally became a river. flooding has become so common in the neighborhood that some homeowners are spending thousands to try to keep the water out. >> starts to overflow, it comes into the sump pump here and gets pumped out. >> you put a backflow preventer ininside. >> yeah. >> d.c. water says the pipes in that area are too old and too small to handle the huge flow of water, but they're trying to look into some short-term solutions to that problem. >> may not get any help. today we're expecting more rain. storm team4 meteorologist veronica johnson is in today to tell us more about that. >> unfortunately there are. yesterday there were a few areas that got the downpours going again.
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that's going to be the case today. it's almost a carbon copy day where we repeat what he did yesterday. temperatures this morning here at 5:30. 75 in benning. good morning to you fourth quarters in latenessville, 72 degrees. the rain on storm team4 radar, well, just about an hour to two hours ago there were moderate to heavy rain. those making your way up to north and east up in baltimore, maryland, right now. and around westminster. so wet there for the drive along i-83. open it up and you can see not much left going on down to the south and west across the majority in our area. still in the atmosphere, spin left and tropical moisture from isaac. 72 to 77. showers light by lunchtime. heavier to the west and moving in. high, 85 today. danella? >> right now checking on the roadways. if you're traveling 395, this time southbound in virginia right at king street. having a accident there.
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it is blocking your right lane. luckily your volume is still very light. you can get by it just stick to the left. be aware of that. also i just received a report of an accident out especially loop of the beltway at 13 richy marlboro road. and you continue, i am seeing just a little bit of volume on the outer looch of the beltway. if you're making this trip just be aware of that report of an accident in this area. eun, over to you. today president obama will return to virginia. he's expected to speak later this morning at norfolk state university. it will be the president's second trip to virginia in less than a week. it is also the last stop on his road to charlotte tour. most prominent democrats are already in charlotte for the convention. it begins today. nbc's tracie potts has made her way from tampa to charlotte. live this morning with a preview of this opening day. tracie? >> reporter: hey there, aaron. good morning. we are live this morning inside the time warner arena. this stage behind me is where it all gets started later tonight. now, this is not the stage where
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we expect president obama to speak. he's actually scheduled to speak at the bank of america stadium a few blocks from here, a much larger venue. but this is where we expect to hear his wife tonight, first lady michelle obama. she was actually here yesterday checking out the stage as key note speakers often do a day before, sometimes on the afternoon of their speeches. she is in town. she was here last night. we do expect to hear her tonight and one of the insiders, the press secretary, national press secretary for the dnc, gave me some insight about what she might say. >> she's going to talk about the president that she knows, the husband she married, and, of course, the father to her children. >> the first lady i'm sure is going to deliver a very positive message. governor o'malley and mine is an optimistic message as well. >> reporter: that is san antonio's mayor. he is a featured speaker tonight. guess who is introducing him.
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maryland governor martin o'malley. pretty prime spot. he will be at the very beginning of prime time live coverage tonight. we are live at the dnc in charlotte. i'm tracie potts. back to you. d.c. voting rights activists are using this convention to urge democrats to help give the district a voice in congress. they're holding a rally this afternoon in charlotte. d.c. delegate eleanor holmes nor on the says nothing will get done unless the movement gets more aggressive. >> so the people who get their rights usually do so in a flame of movement. but dramatic action has to be taken or else nothing dramatic is going to happen. >> voting rights activists are also making presentations to state delegations and urging delegateses to wear red shirts with pro-d.c. messages. republicans are making their presence felt in charlotte during the convention. virginia governor bob mcdonnell will be spending tomorrow and thursday there campaign for mitt romney. paul ryan campaigned yesterday in greenville, north carolina.
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that's 250 miles from charlotte. the republican vice presidential candidate told supporters the jimmy carter years were the good old days compared to now. chairman of the california democratic party is apologizing for comparing republicans to nazis. john burton told a san francisco reporter that gop strategies during this election are like nazi propaganda. he said republicans lie and don't care whether people know they lie. he said it is the same tactic nazi propagandist said in world war ii. today is election day for thousands of voters in northern virginia. the special election is for virginia's 45th district which comprises parts of alexandria, fairfax county and arlington county. voters will decide who will replace david england in the house of delegates. he resigned after his extramarital affair became public. democrat rob krupicka and malkin. normer vincent gray campaign aide to who pleaded guilty of
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corruption will be back in court. thomas gore admitted to trying to cover up payments. the candidate is believed to be brown who says he was paid to attack then mayor. gore is one of three campaign aides to plead gill toy to corruption charges. he could get 12 to 18 months in prison. that sentencing hearing scheduled -- could be scheduled today. 5:36. 73 degrees. straight ahead, the scare that landed a prince george's family in the hospital this holiday weekend. plus, breaking the bank. why spare change is not nearly enough when your kids start losing their teeth. you may need extra time getting to work today thanks to the rain. storm team4 meteorologist has storm team4 meteorologist has your
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anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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[monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. losing those baby tooetd is getting more and more lucrative for kids these days. blame inflation. a new survey out today shows that kids now get an average of $3 per tooth under their pillows. that's up 15% from last year. some kids reported getting 20 bucks a pop for those baby teeth. visa is launching an iphone app as well to help parents calculate the going rate. financial experts are worried this will tempt parents to try
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and out-do each other. we want to know how much your tooth fairy is leaving four your kids. i hope my kids aren't listening. i hope they don't expect $3 under their pillows from the tooth fairy. >> why not, eun? >> seems like an awful generous toout fairy. >> let her give it out. >> how is she making all that money. supposed to be charging a fee. 5:41. i want to take a look outside roit now. you can see that no sunshine just yet. veronica johnson, going to have a lot of clouds anyway. >> that's right. your sun rise in just about an hour. but when it comes up, i'm not expecting a whole lot like yesterday. we're going to have quite a few clouds. probably the more humid part of our day will be the morning hours. the wetter part of our day with more rain will be the afternoon and evening hours. so out there right now, 70s. adams morgan, 75. brandywine, arlington, ashton,
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72 degrees. hometown forecast for largo, take you through the next couple of hours, by 9:30. 75. with some showers possible around your area. by noontime, 82. low 80 fos for temperatures in around those neighborhoods. possibility for thunderstorms for the afternoon. i think they will isolated. any storms can lead to heavier rain. top out at 84 to 85 degrees. we'll see the temperatures slide on down gently during the evening hours to low 80s. we're not the only ones who are dealing with this tropical air around us. new york city, philadelphia, too, they've got the heavy rain there this morning. next couple of day, wednesday, thursday, still wet. friday, at least looking dry. we'll take a look at your weekend coming up. hitting the roads now again with danella sealock. >> veronica, right now a rock can start for some. let's start in northwest. beach drive still shut down right now between joyce road and blagden avenue because of a downed tree. no word of when that tree is going to be out of the roadway yet. i-270, hitting on the brakes out of frederick.
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really slow past 109. i'll give you a live look and you can see. the good news is once you past clarksburg road it looks good for you as you continue toward the beltway. let's check out the rails. metro, all entrabts, escalators are down at foggy bottom metro station and also on the marc train, brunswick east 870. six-minute delay right now. back in ten. aaron and eun, back over to you. 5:42. 73 degrees. pack your patiencen you head out on the roads today as tens of thousands of area children head back to school. plus, why roadblocks may get more difficult to enjoy a popu heavy load in america. but mitt romney plan, a middle class to $2,000 more a year in taxes. multi-millionaires like himself hits the middle class harder... bigger break. forward for america?
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i'm barack obama and i approve this message. we're sitting on a bunch of shale gas.
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there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪
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nlgs welcome back. hundreds of thousands of students are preparing to head back to school. in fairfax county this morning, but with millions returning to work at the same time, the roads could be a mess for both you and
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school bus drivers this morning. news4's megan mcgrath is live at oak ton elementary. megan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. a lot going on here this morning. we are outside oakton elementary sco school in is cambridge road. later on today we're expecting a lot of activity as the area's largest school system, fairfax county, goes back to school. the kids back in class later on this morning. 181,000 students will be returning to class this morning, so you can expect to see lots of buses out there later on today as well as walkers. kids walking around on the neighborhood streets getting to school this morning. we're also going to, of course, have people returning from their labor day vacations. lots of folks returning to work for the first time in about a week. and so we're expecting a lot of traffic congestion out there. some have come to call this day terrible traffic tuesday. so motorists are asked to be particularly patient. give themselves a little extra
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time when getting to work later on today. now, there are two new schools opening up. south county middle school in lorton. one of the fastest growing parts of the county. we're also going to see the opening of graham road elementary in falls church. enrollment in fairfax county is up, so schools are going to be full. they've added 741 new positions, staff positions and teaching positions to try to accommodate that increased enrollment. it is certainly going to be a very busy day out there. folks getting wrused to new schedules, bus schedules. the walkers, some of them going to brand new schools today. so a lot going on and kind of a bit of a learning curb out there. we are expecting roads to be congested. again, if you're driving to work this morning, give yourself a little extra time and watch out for those kiddos. reporting live in fairfax county, megan mcgrath, news4. eun, back to you. >> thank you. a new construction project in beth thaesda will only add t
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those headaches. it is closed and will stay that way for two years. it's necessary for construction of two high rises on what used on the one of biggest parking lots in the area. they're building an underground parking garage. montgomery county will increase the circulator buses and 100 long-term parking spaces to hourly spaces. a traffic alert for drivers in the district as well. a major construction project starts today and could affect your commute in northwest. it's called the new hampshire avenue straightscape project. it will reconstruct or resurface the road between h street and dupont circle. the biggest change is that one-way stretch of new hampshire between washington circle and m street will be a two-way street. they will redo sidewalks and crosswalks and storm drains. it's expected to take 18 months. this morning a coast guard is search for a missing boater in maryland. two people fell from a sailboat into the chess beak bay 12 miles
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north of an nap police. they rescued the woman but lost sight of the man. 27 years old and a member of the boat crew. a prince george's county family is recovering from carbon monoxide poisoning. the family of five, whenever everyone in the house woke up yesterday with headaches and nausea, the parents realized those are symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and called 911. they were taken to baltimore for possible treatment in a hyperbaric chamber. they are all expected to be okay. today fam lid and friends will pay last respect toss a maryland navy s.e.a.l. killed in africa. a views for petty officer first class will be held at the funeral home in his hometown of edge water. many people lined the streets as his body was taken to the funeral home. the service is tomorrow at ft. meyer memorial chapel in arlington followed by a burial at arlington national cemetery. he died in a a blackhawk helicopter crash in afghanistan last month. he leaves behind a wife and
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parents. prince george's county police are asking for your help to find a robbery suspect. look at the surveillance photo. this man robbed a suntrust bank along riverdale road in new carrollton on friday. they're offering a reward of up to $1,000 for any information that leads to an arrest. if you live in prince george's or montgomery counties don't be surprised if you see your water bill go up soon. according to the washington examiner the washington suburban sanitary commission needs nearly $3 billion for construction projects over the next six years. the money will be used to update the aging system which has more than 5,000 miles of water main that is at least 50 years old. wssc considering charging customers for how much water they use to cover those costs. they will hold public meetings starting this month. >> just about 5:51. that means weather and traffic on the ones. >> storm team4 meteorologist ver r ron a johnson.
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a lot of syllables. >> we want everyone to remember storms team4. >> meteorologist veronica joson. >> got it. >> this morning seeing heavier rains to the north. it is pouring up around philly and new york city this morning. for us, just some light showers gently scattered around the area. 75 degrees. the temperature. look at that dew point temperature, 72 degrees. talked about this yesterday. so important for today, what it actually feels like and how you may be feeling later, too. the higher humidity gives you that uncomfortable factor. the dew point temperature gives us that very humid air. today, yet again it's going to be sticking around. all this again, isaac just still lingering. not much of a form left with it in terms of circulation but a lot of that lingering moisture throughout the mid atlantic. stay umbrella ready today. again, generally light showers out there right now. grew can see up to the north some of the moderate rains making their way up into pennsylvania. a little bit still left around
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frederick and around mt. airy and a little bit left around baltimore but we continue to see the rains here early this morning dry up. to the west of us, there's that circulation again. not much left with it but still the moisture lingers in the t air. the tropical moisture. along with a weather front today, that's what's going to help trigger some more of the downpours like we had yesterday. i think we've got a higher threat to see the heavier rains more wide spread on yesterday. 75 again, the temperature here. 75, richmond. 66 in elkins, west virginia. low 70s even up to the knot. so for your forecast today, scattered showers. those are the blobs coming through. 3:00 today, some wet weather likely around our area. for your evening hours, wet weather likely. i think even some thunder will get thrown in to our area for this evening. tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon, wet. there's your heavier storms and rains for the day on wednesday. forecast for this afternoon, 80 to 85 degrees.
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occasional rain. heavy at times. again, you will want to stay umbrella heavy the this evening, shower storms. those will continue as the temperatures drop from 73 to 79. for even thursday, the rain lingers. we get some dry weather. for one day on friday, because rain is back in the forecast for the weekend, unfortunately. let's hit the roads now and see what's going on with danella sealock. right now on first4 traffic report, we're going to start off with metro. a couple of issues you need to be aware of entrance escalators are down at the foggy bottom metro station. on the orange line, single tracking. on the blue line, a disabled train is causing delays all of the way to franconia, springfield. on the road 39d 5 southbound, accident at king street. was blocking the right lane. it's out of the roadway for you. eun, over to you. when disaster strikes, more americans turn to their mobile devices for help. and to connect with their loved
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ones. a survey by the red cross found three out of four americans expect help in less than three hours after posting a request on social media. it also found that people are using mobile apps in social media to let their loved ones know they are safe. it's the most popular way to get information in a cruise sis behind tv, radio, and online news. they surveyed more than 2,000 people. things are returning to normal in the gulf after hurricane isaac but oil production isn't quite back up to speed just yet. cnbc's courtney reagan is live with that centstory and others. >> a week after hurricane isaac hit the xwufl coast more than half of the oil production is still off line. 39% of natural gs output. significant decline from sunday, though, when 72% of oil, 56% of natural gas was shut down. only 71 oil platforms in the gulf of mexico remain unmanned. only one refinery is shut down.
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that's the philips 66 alliance area in plaquesmines parish. hollywood studios took in an estimated $4.8 billion down from last year. there were though still giant hits like "the avengers" and breakout films like "ted," "magic mike." movie going may be a bit much for the families. and the olympics kept some families at loam glued to the tv. those of us at nbc are glad they did. back to you. >> courtney reagan, thank you. appreciate it. ellen degeneres is being honored for her work on tv and her talk show here on nbc4. she's also recently hosted the the academy awards and nominated for a prime time emmy. it premiers next monday at 3:00 right here on nbc4. if you don't have to wait, you don't have to wait until next week to get your new daytime tv
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fix. >> steve harvey has a brand new show debuting here on nbc4. and danella is here now because she got a chance to sit down with him. >> a big part of what steve is going to do is help people solve problems and he was kind enough to offer solution to an ongoing debate here right on "news4 today." >> i see morning shows. >> you need to help us. it's about to be anarchy. eun yang, every morning. we use hairspray at the desk. aaron gilchrist gets up set because his thought is why does my coffee have to taste like hairspray every day. as i watch this, i think how does this continue? is there a way to co-exist? >> yeah, okay. who is this guy? >> aaron. >> aaron. now, eun yang and danella are going to use hairspray. >> that's true. >> that's not going to stop. >> what's his name? >> aaron. >> aaron, aaron need to understand that because you all's hair is more important -- >> it is.
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>> -- than his coffee. >> i agree. >> let me ask aaron something. >> yes. >> why don't aaron move his coffee. >> that's what eun says. >> see, are you all spraying your hair at the coffee machine? >> no. >> no. he brings his coffee to the hairspray area. >> that's true. >> set it down and now want everybody to stop spraying hairspray because he got his coffee there. let's just settle this right here. >> you might have saved us. >> all right. don't miss the premier of "steve harvey show" today at 2:00 here on nbc4. >> this man is smart. >> i want you to know i am watching right now. i mean, the man obviously has a good hade on his shoulders. he knows how to solve problems. sold right there. but for taking care of us, forring looking out for us, and saving the morning show. >> i love you both and i really want this thing to work. >> i can't argue. i'm just going to have to deal -- you see no coffee today. i was starting to choke. 5:57 right now. ahead, the change one local
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school district made that parents are fight doing change as well this morning. video of a bulldozer running wild in a parking lot. why police say the g
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back to school for hundreds of thousands of local children


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